Luxe Bench with Gray Leather

Luxe Bench with Gray Leather and Tapered Legs | 59″ x 22″ x 19″ H | $2275.00 [Not a valid template]

Italian Card Box in Leather

Italian Card Box in Leather | 4.5″ x 3″ x 2.5″ | $195 [Not a valid template]

Vintage Leather Travel Box

Vintage Leather Travel Box | 10.25″ x 7″ x 3.25″ | $395.00 [Not a valid template]

18th c. Louis XV Chair

18th c. Louis XV Chair | $3975.00 [Not a valid template]

Vintage Folding Tripod Hunting Stool in Leather


Vintage Folding Tripod Hunting Stool in Leather| 12″ x 20.5″ H | $195.00 [Not a valid template]

Vintage Leather Wrapped Table with Brass Details

Vintage Leather Wrapped Table with Brass Details

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Set of Louis XVI Dining Chairs in Leather

Louis XVI Chairs in leather


Set of Eight Louis XVI Dining Chairs in Leather | $5650

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Pair of 1940′s French Leather Smoking Chairs

1940s French Smoking Chairs


A pair of French Leather Smoking Chairs | $3975

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